1. Per the U.S. Census Bureau, a college graduate will earn nearly $1 million more over a lifetime than a high school grad: http://knowhow2goohio.org/
2. College doesn't just happen! "But college is so far off," you may think. But think again! Planning for college takes time--so start now!
3. Now is when you need to think about what you want to do after high school graduation: choices you make today likely influence your future.
4. The U.S. Census Bureau indicates college graduates tend to earn more money than people who stop their education at the high school level.
5. A college degree is becoming essential in a world where 90% of the fastest-growing jobs require a postsecondary education: pursue college!
6. Education after high school is more vital for students today than it was for their parents since good jobs now require more than a diploma.
7. Per a 1997 U.S. Dept. of Ed. study, the more math courses students take in high school, the more likely they are to graduate from college.
8. College is the first step in pursuing a successful and fulfilling career; it's where you explore different options & also learn job skills.
9. Education beyond high school offers many opportunities for meeting new people, exploring new interests, and experiencing success--go for it!
10. Prepare for college now, since going to college doesn't just happen; 4 steps you need to make college a reality are at http://knowhow2goohio.org
11. Step 1 of 4 Steps: Be a pain--in a good way. Tell everyone you know you want to go to college--and need their help; see http://knowhow2goohio.org
12. Step 1 of 4 Steps: Be a pain--in a good way. Tell your parents, teachers, counselors, coaches, and clergy members; see http://knowhow2goohio.org
13. Step 1 of 4 Steps to go to college: Be a pain--in a good way. Don't stop until you find an adult who will help you; see http://knowhow2goohio.org
14. Step 1 of 4 Steps to college: Be a pain--in a good way. Step 1 is essential; the next 3 Steps are easier with a supportive adult--get yours!
15. Step 1 of 4 Steps to college: Be a pain--in a good way. Ask your family members, friends, teachers, and coaches how they went to college.
16. Step 2 of 4 Steps to go to college: Push yourself and don't stop; see http://knowhow2goohio.org
17. Step 2 of 4 Steps to college: Push yourself and don't stop. Working a little harder today will make getting into college easier--so do it!
18. Step 2 of 4 Steps to college: Push yourself and don't stop. Take the right courses--hard ones--to be well-prepared for college admissions.
19. Step 2 of 4 Steps to college: Push yourself and don't stop. Study hard, turn in all assignments, & earn good grades to get set for college.
20. Step 2 of 4 Steps to college: Push yourself and don't stop. Read, read, read to be well-prepared for college work. See http://knowhow2goohio.org
21. Step 3 of 4 Steps: Find the right fit. Find out what kind of school is the best match for you and your career goals. See http://knowhow2goohio.org
22. Step 3 of 4 Steps: Find the right fit. There are more than 4,000 two- and four-year schools in the U.S.; discover one that's right for you.
23. Step 3 of 4 Steps: Find the right fit. Find out what kind of school is the best match for you and your career goals. See http://knowhow2goohio.org
24. Step 3 of 4 Steps: Find the right fit. Large or small, near or far, public or private--what school suits you best? See http://knowhow2goohio.org
25. Step 3 of 4 Steps to college: Find the right fit. Every school has its personality; find one compatible with yours. See http://knowhow2goohio.org
26. Step 3 of 4 Steps to college: Find the right fit. Your goal is not to just find a school where you will survive--but where you will thrive!
27. Step 4 of 4 Steps to college: Put your hands on some cash. If you think you can't afford college, think again--there is financial aid.
28. Step 4 of 4 Steps to college: Put your hands on some cash. There are 2 kinds of financial aid: merit and need-based; see http://knowhow2goohio.org
29. Step 4 of 4 Steps: Put your hands on some cash. Merit aid (a "scholarship") is often awarded because of a student's GPA, class rank, & ACT.
30. Step 4 of 4 Steps: Put your hands on some cash. Need-based aid is drawn from a student's expected family contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA.
31. Step 4 of 4 Steps: Put your hands on some cash. Often, a college financial-aid package may include grants, scholarships, work-study, & loans.
33. KnowHow2GO is also on YouTube; check out the funny videos on taking the tough classes colleges require at www.youtube.com/knowhow2go
34. During this month and next, check out the KnowHow2GO-U virtual campus tour at http://www.knowhow2go.org/campustour/
35. For a humorous, informative, first-hand student view of college, access the new KnowHow2GOOhio blog at http://knowhow2goohio.wordp/...
36. To see why to take tough classes like foreign languages, algebra II, and biology, see the commercials at http://www.knowhow2go.org/gettough/
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