1. More Women Earn Bachelor's Degrees Than Men, Study Shows -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/10/post_644_n_821577.html
"The data, mined from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth of 1997, shows that by the age of 23, 23% of women surveyed earned a bachelor's degree -- compared with only 14% of men
. . . . By the age of 23, 22% of non-Hispanic whites surveyed reported earning a bachelor's degree, as opposed to only 9% of blacks and Hispanics and 8% of Hispanics or Latinos."
2. Colleges with the Best Graduation Rates -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/10/colleges-with-the-highest_2_n_820990.html#s236902&title=Thomas_University_100
"At the College of the Holy Cross, which has a 98.1% grad rate, V. P. for Academic Affairs & Dean Timothy Austin said graduating -- and doing so in 4 years -- is a matter of student culture. "Students here don't call themselves freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors," he said. "They call themselves class of [graduation year]. So right from the get-go they are targeting that date when they are going to cross the stage together."
3. California District Pushes Digital-Text Initiative Forward, by Katie Ash - http://www.edweek.org/dd/articles/2011/02/09/02books.h04.html
“We don’t care what the device is, just that the resources are in a format that makes sense [to the students],” McPhail says. “The kids are our customers.”
4. For-Profit Colleges Discuss How to Make the Sector More Accountable, by Goldie Blumenstyk -http://chronicle.com/article/At-Closed-Door-Summit/126331/
"Several of the colleges at the meeting are being investigated by state and federal regulators, and by their own accreditors, for abusive student-recruiting tactics; several also face lawsuits from students and former employees on similar grounds."
5. Harvard Considers Bringing Back Early Adm,by Justin C. Worland - http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/2/10/early-admissions-harvard-students/#
"Harvard decided to eliminate its non-binding early action program in 2006. At the time, College officials stated that the early admissions program—regarded by many as an advantage in the admissions process—disproportionately benefited affluent students, who were more likely to have access to resources that could help them prepare their applications for an early deadline."
6. Guide to Admissions - US News and World Report - http://www.usnews.com/education/features/guide-to-admissions
"Getting Into College Guide To Admissions"
7. Cleveland Scholarship Programs is now College Now Greater Cleveland - http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cleveland-scholarship-programs-unveils-new-name-college-now-greater-cleveland-115726304.html
"The new name emphasizes the critical need to create a college-going culture across the region, helping students reach their full potential through college education and increasing the economic vitality of Greater Cleveland. College Now assists over 20,000 students each year, through college access and success advising, financial aid counseling and scholarship services."
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