Unstack the Odds: Help All Kids Access College—and Graduate!
Joe Rottenborn
Executive Director, Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP)
Joe Rottenborn
Executive Director, Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP)
9) Schedule a campus visit with your parent(s) or other supportive adult(s); evaluate your visit to consider “goodness of fit.”
If you're (still) trying to decide which college to attend, make a(nother) visit! Generally, you'll "feel" whether the college is a good match for you--that is, somewhere you'll thrive and just not survive. Since the deadline for responding to colleges' offer of admission is May 1, visit now; spend the night in a dorm room and attend a class, if you can, but be sure to call ahead to make arrangements.
For some thoughts on those visits, see the following links:
A) Lynn O'Shaughnessy, CBS moneywatch.com, "The College Visit: Top 7 Things You Must Do"--http://moneywatch.bnet.com/saving-money/blog/college-solution/the-college-visit-top-7-things-you-must-do/1796/?tag=col1;blog-river
B) Caren Osten Gerszberg and Nicole Gerszberg, The New York Times: The Choice, "Advice From Mother and Daughter on Visiting Colleges,"--http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/advice-2/?src=twt&twt=NYTimesCollege
10) Complete and submit online or paper applications for admission by deadlines.
71. You can use the link "Online Applications" in the left margin of our blog: http://mvcap.blogspot.com/
72. To apply to several colleges, use the link "The Common Application" in the left margin of our MVCAP blog or at this URL: https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/default.aspx
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