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Monday, June 20, 2011

267. Review of College News

Here are some links to today's stories
about college access and success.
Joe Rottenborn
Executive Director, Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP)

1. Read The Joe Rottenborn Daily ▸ today's top stories via @rottenbornj ▸

2. Access and Equity -- Worldwide, by Elizabeth Redden - Inside Higher Ed: - “This is an organization that seeks to facilitate education as a solution,” said J. Michael Adams, the new president of IAUP and president of Fairleigh Dickinson University, in New Jersey. “Give me a problem and I will tell you the solution: the solution is education.”

3. New Reports Reveal Alarming Facts About the Educational Experiences of Young Men of Color - - "Nearly half of young men of color age 15 to 24 who graduate from high school will end up unemployed, incarcerated or dead."

4. Diplomas Count 2011, Education Week - - "This year's Diplomas Count reconsiders the "college for all" movement and examines postsecondary options for students other than a bachelor's degree."

5. At High School in Queens, an R.O.T.C. Program’s Enduring Influence, by Michael Winerip - - "The junior cadets’ purposefulness sets the tone for the entire school, Mr. Shama said. “R.O.T.C. has the biggest impact of any program in our school,” he said. “Nothing comes close.”

6. Nancy Folbre: Will Business Buy In to Early Childhood Education? - - "Economists disagree about a lot of things, but many agree that public investments in early childhood education pay off. The social benefits far exceed the social costs."

7. Male Students of Color From Different Backgrounds Face Similar Hurdles, by Molly Redden - - "But with great frequency they reported dealing with stereotypes, with the pressure to support their communities or families, with money problems, or with a feeling of alienation from their campus."

8. Study: Clubs in High School Lead to Higher Salaries Later, by Kayla Webley - via @TIMENewsFeed - "GOOD uncovered a study that said a student who participates in extracurricular activities in high school will earn 11.8% more in later life. The report, published by Vasilios D. Kosteas, an economics professor at Cleveland State University, concluded the 11.8% salary bump is equivalent to more than two and a half years additional of schooling."

9. The Educational Experience of Young Men of Color: A Review of Research, Pathways and Progress - - "Recommendation 1: Policymakers must make improving outcomes for young men of color a national priority."

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