1. U. of Virginia Explains Its Return to Early-Admissions Arena, by Jacques Steinberg -http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/23/virginia/
"The 22,500 students who applied for the 3,240 seats in the current freshman class represented an increase of 4,000, or 22 percent, over applications three years earlier. With U.V.A.’s decision over that same period to accept the Common Application — which helped add to its popularity by making it easier to apply — the institution seemed to have little incentive to bring back early admissions. And yet. . . ."
2. Flogging For-Profit Colleges, by Doug Lederman - Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/elgJF2
"The study, released Tuesday by Education Trust, largely repackages previously published data on higher education companies -- their booming enrollments (particularly of minority and low-income students), escalating dependence on federal financial aid, relatively low graduation rates (compared to most public and independent four-year colleges), and high student debt and default levels . . . ."
3. Opening Up Dormitories, by David Moltz - Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/eOrJmo
"The institutions are a half mile apart, Eastern Michigan in Ypsilanti and Washtenaw in Ann Arbor. The university is also the top transfer destination of students from the community college. But when Eastern Michigan had extra dorm space to spare, the two institutions drew even closer. “They approached us,” said Linda Blakey, Washtenaw associate vice president of student services, of Eastern Michigan officials."
4. College Student Borrowing On The Rise: Pew Report - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/23/college-student-borrowing_n_787587.html
"The rise in attendance numbers at private, for-profit colleges has caused the uptick in student borrowing, Pew reports: Over the past decade, the private for-profit sector has expanded more rapidly than either the public or private not-for-profit sectors. In 2008, these institutions granted 18% of all undergraduate awards, up from 14% in 2003."
5. Rise of College Student Borrowing, by Rebecca Hinze-Pifer & Richard Fry http://pewsocialtrends.org/2010/11/23/the-rise-of-college-student-borrowing/
"Undergraduate college student borrowing has risen dramatically in recent years. Graduates who received a bachelor’s degree in 20081 borrowed 50% more (in inflation-adjusted dollars) than their counterparts who graduated in 1996, while graduates who earned an associate’s degree or undergraduate certificate in 2008 borrowed more than twice what their counterparts in 1996 had borrowed. . . ."
6. Where College Hoops Reign Supreme: Best Colleges for Basketball Fans - http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/slideshows/best-colleges-to-attend-for-basketball-fans/
"There are many students that choose a college based on the quality of a school’s athletic program. If you’re one of those students looking for a school with a top-notch basketball team, this list is for you."
7. Don't Let the Student Loan Crisis Kill Families, by Jennifer Openshaw - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jennifer-openshaw/act-now-to-avoid-college-_b_786531.html
"As students take on more debt -- $14,000 on average for those earning just associate degrees at the for-profits -- the default rates are growing. Some $275 billion in loans made to students at for-profit colleges will default over the next 10 years. In fact, these for-profit universities represent 10% of all university students, yet they account for 43% of all student-loan defaults, according to the Department of Ed. . . ."
8. International Students: Who Is Attending American Universities, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy - http://t.co/JEdmr8m
"The influx of international students is hardly new. Since 2006, every college admission cycle has attracted more foreign students who are eager to study in the United States. Chinese students are the biggest source of international students by far, according to the annual Open Doors report conducted by the Institute of International Education."
9. Report Finds Low Graduation Rates at For-Profit Colleges, by Tamar Lewin - http://nyti.ms/fqGCuv
"A new report on graduation rates at for-profit colleges by a nonprofit research and advocacy group charges that such colleges deliver “little more than crippling debt,” citing federal data that suggests only 9 percent of the first-time, full-time bachelor’s degree students at the University of Phoenix, . . . ."
10. Report Faults For-Profit Colleges As Providers of 'Subprime Opportunity', by Kevin Kiley - http://chronicle.com/article/Report-Faults-For-Profit/125486/
"The report finds that, on average, only 22 percent of students who enroll in four-year-degree programs at for-profit colleges graduate within six years, compared with 55 percent and 65 percent at public and private nonprofit colleges, respectively. But there was wide variation within the for-profit sector."
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