1. Court filing reveals for-profit college recruiting tactics, by Paul Koepp http://www.desnews.com/700085300/ - (@deseretnews)
"White said Everest College would buy "leads," or contact information of potential students, for $80 apiece. He was required to call each new lead three times a day for a week, then once a day for the next month. White made up to 600 phone calls each week. He said his managers told him not to delete the numbers of people who asked not to be contacted anymore."
2. What Makes a University Great? by Robert J. Sternberg - Inside Higher Ed - http://t.co/EX9u0TQ
"Typically, land-grant institutions willingly and even gladly will take students with a wider range of grades and test scores because their mission is to provide access, not to restrict entry. A necessary qualification, of course, is that the students admitted are able to do the work, either upon admission or with remediation and enrichment."
3. Kansas Seniors Achieve Perfection on SAT and ACT, by Susanna Baird - http://www.gnn.com/article/kansas-seniors-achieve-perfection-on-sat/1421736
"There must be something in the Kansas corn, because three other current seniors in the town of Blue Valley received 36 on the ACT out of a possible 36 points. Charlie also earned a 2400 out of 2400 on the SAT, placing him in the top 1 percent of college test-takers in America."
4. Universities Tell High Schools Valuable Logos Are Off Limits, by Adam Himmelsbach - http://nyti.ms/fuwUf9
"Universities steadfastly protect their trademarked logos, which appear on everything from oven mitts to underwear, and their reach is increasingly stretching toward high schools. If a school’s logo can be confused with a university’s, or if it is capable of diluting its value, the universities often demand changes."
5. If your child resists college search, by Jay Mathews - http://t.co/gfqnSLw via @washingtonpost
"I call this the boy problem, although I suspect some girls have it, too. When I speak or write on admissions issues, I encounter parents who envy the college eagerness displayed by other students and are driven to despair by the fact that their kid can't be bothered. These reluctant college applicants, at least in my experience, are usually male. We guys mature more slowly. I certainly did."
6. What Tom Friedman got wrong about schools, by Valerie Strauss - http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/guest-bloggers/what-tom-friedman-got-wrong-an.html
"It does mean that leaders who ignore the effects of poverty fail to see the importance of providing proper supports for these children -- meals for the hungry, glasses for the seeing-impaired, etc. And it means that teachers wind up getting blamed for conditions outside the school that greatly affect a child’s ability to progress in algebra."
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