1. Auburn football team champs on field but not in graduation rates - http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/sports/auburn-football-team-champs-on.html
"According to the Academic Progress Rate, a four-year assessment by the NCAA of the movement toward graduation for a team’s players, Auburn has dropped from No. 4 to No. 85 among the 120 major college football programs."
2. 'Sad Day For California,' by Jack Stripling - Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/eWdkpb
"In an effort to tackle an estimated $28 billion budget shortfall, the newly elected governor would strip $1.4 billion from public higher education institutions. The reductions would include $500 million each in cuts for the University of California and California State University. Additionally, $400 million would be carved from the budgets of the California Community Colleges."
3. Young People Say Sex, Paychecks Come In Second To Self-Esteem: http://bit.ly/hauxJ4
"One of the items they were asked about was self-esteem building experiences, such as receiving a good grade or receiving a compliment. “We found that self-esteem trumped all other rewards in the minds of these college students,” Bushman said."
4. 7 Prestigious Undergrad Scholarships, by Michelle Showalter - http://t.co/lJD4xMQ - The Scholarship Coach (usnews.com)
"Here are seven of the more well-known and lucrative scholarships available to high school students:"
5. 5 Reasons Not to Get a Law Degree, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy - http://t.co/W4EqIKJ
"For most young grads, the answer is a resounding no. At least that’s the conclusion you could easily draw from a lengthy story in The New York Times on Sunday. The article, Is Law School a Losing Game?, provided a devastating look at how law schools market themselves and manipulate their employment statistics to make their law degrees look like a great investment."
6. As Mental Troubles Arise, Limited Options for Institutions, by Benedict Carey - http://nyti.ms/fC3lXA
“It wasn’t a case of ‘Gee, no one saw this coming,’ ” Dr. Borum said. “People saw it. But the question then was what do you do about it? Who do you call? The whole thing speaks to the need for some coordinated way to detect such threats.”
7. NCAA Proposal Would Give Companies More Latitude to Use Athletes' Images in Ads, by Libby Sander - http://chronicle.com/article/NCAA-Proposal-Would-Give/125914/
"Existing rules generally bar companies from using an athlete's name, image, or "likeness" in advertisements, promotions, or other ventures. The proposed measure would allow corporate sponsors to feature game clips of current athletes in their TV ads, for instance, as long as the ads include the name of the athlete's institution."
8. Expert Predicts a Deluge of Tablet Computers on Campus, by Josh Fischman - http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/walt-mossberg-says-colleges-will-deal-with-a-deluge-of-tablets/28889
"And tablets will matter in higher education, Mr. Mossberg said, because students will bring them to campus, and colleges and—in particular—publishers will need to meet their needs. “The actual users, like students and faculty, will barge in,” he said."
9. U. of Arizona junior Daniel Hernandez helped Rep. Giffords Moments After Shooting - http://voices.washingtonpost.com/campus-overload/2011/01/u_of_arizona_junior_helped_rep.html
"Then he saw that Giffords (D-Ariz.) had a "severe gunshot wound to the head" and worked to reposition her body so she could breath without the risk of inhaling blood, Hernandez told the Wildcat. He applied pressure to stop her blood loss and gave others instructions. "She was my main focus so I stayed with her and tried to help her as much as possible," Hernandez, 20, told the campus newspaper."
10. The Education Reform Book Is Dead, by Jay P. Greene - http://educationnext.org/the-education-reform-book-is-dead/
"The problem is that education reform thinking is being shaped less and less by books. As we are seeing in other policy areas, blogs, articles, and other new media are displacing books as the primary means by which intellectual policy movements are formed and sustained."
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