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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

162. MVCAP fyi

See free MVCAP e-books on college admissions and financial aid for sharing, printing, and downloading at our online resource library:

1. A New Model Community College, by David Moltz - Inside Higher Ed:

‎"In contrast, there has been relatively little controversy over a different kind of partnership between a company and a private college: a joint effort of Tiffin University, a small private institution in northeast Ohio, and Altius Education, a for-profit company based in San Francisco. In 2008, Tiffin and Altius opened Ivy Bridge College, an online community college that offers a general studies associate degree program targeted at traditional-age students who wish to transfer to four-year institutions."

2. Colleges to Confront Deep Cutbacks, by Eric Kelderman -

"Mr. Sandoval is one of a dozen Republicans who were swept into governors' offices in November promising to hold the line on taxes and rein in state spending. Half of those states—Maine, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin—face shortfalls so large that they nearly equal or even surpass the entire amount the state spends on higher education."

3. 3 Ways College Students Can Achieve Financial Success in 2011, by Scott Gamm -

"Follow these three simple steps to ensure that your finances are safe for 2011:"

4. 10 Most Popular College Blogs Posts of 2010, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy -

"When I look back at the stats, visitors to my college blog were most interested in lucrative careers and grade point averages. Here are the links to the 10 most popular college blog posts last year:"

5. Study Offers Insight Into What Helps Students Finish College, by Caralee Adams -

"For students at two-year colleges, receiving financial aid is the strongest predictor of finishing a degree. By contrast, at four-year institutions, the amount of aid had a smaller impact, the research shows. . . . At four-year colleges and universities, it's all about preparation. How ready the student was academically was the No. 1 explanation for student success."

"The first- and second-year students in the sample were given $100 for each grade of 70 percent they received and $20 more for each percentage point they scored above 70 percent. That incentive had an effect on the grades earned by second-year students, and the greatest effect on second-year male students."

7. Who Owns the Future? by Pat Buchanan - Yahoo! News:

"What American schools are failing at, despite the trillions poured into schools since the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, is closing the racial divide. We do not know how to close the gap in reading, science and math between Anglo and Asian students and black and Hispanic students. And from the PISA tests, neither does any other country on earth."

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