1. Book Review of Donna Y. Ford, Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students, 2nd Ed, by Dick Kantenberger - http://exm.nr/fhLds7
“Blacks represent some 20% of public school enrollment, [yet] they constitute only 4% of students who perform at the 95th percentile or above on standardized tests,” says Dr. Donna Y. Ford in her recently released 2nd edition of Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Blacks, published by Prufrock Press, Inc."
2. For Many, College Isn't Worth It, by Richard Vedder - Inside Higher Ed http://t.co/gXu3iBA
"An even-handed interpretation of the data is that college is “worth it” for some significant number of young people, but is a far more problematic investment for others. The call by President Obama, the Lumina and Gates Foundations, and many higher education advocates to rapidly and radically increase the number of college graduates is fundamentally off-base."
3. 7 Ways to Improve SAT and ACT Scores, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy - The College Solution (usnews.com): http://t.co/ZpG7ooI
"Here are seven ways for teenagers to improve their SAT and ACT scores or limit the damage of mediocre results:"
4. 'Apocalyptic' Budget Sends Waves of Fear Across Texas Higher Education, by Katherine Mangan - http://chronicle.com/article/Apocalyptic-Budget-Plan/125997/
"No new applicants would be accepted for the state's largest financial-aid program for low-income students, the Texas Grant program. It served 87,000 students this year with grants of up to $6,780 per year, but it would serve only 27,000 students in 2013 under the House plan. Joseph P. Pettibon, associate vice president for academic services at Texas A&M, said he worried that low-income students either would not be able to attend four-year colleges or would take on too much debt if lawmakers approved the proposed cuts."
5. Texas Inks $300-Million Deal With ESPN for New TV Network, by Libby Sander - http://chronicle.com/article/Texas-Inks-300-Million-Deal/126000/
"The timing of the announcement was sobering: Also on Wednesday, Texas lawmakers wrestled with proposed cutbacks of nearly $772-million in the state's two-year budget, including nearly $100-million for the Austin campus."
6. Harvard’s unofficial early admission process, by Valerie Strauss - http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/harvards-unofficial-early-admi.html
"Sometimes students will approach Harvard and ask for some indication of whether they will be accepted. They are given one of three responses, he said: likely, possible or unlikely to be admitted. Likely responses essentially means a student will be admitted, assuming they don’t flunk out of senior year in high school. Last year, he said, Harvard issued about 300 “likely” notifications."
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