Here are links to recent news on college access and success.
Joe Rottenborn
Executive Director, Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP)
Joe Rottenborn
Executive Director, Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP)
1. Read The Joe Rottenborn Daily ▸ today's top stories on college access and success via @rottenbornj ▸
2. Part 5: Answers to Your Questions on Scholarships and Student Loans, by MARK KANTROWITZ: - "In this fifth round of responses, Mr. Kantrowitz addresses questions extending from inheritance to divorce."
3. Signs of Hope in Job Market for New College Grads Inside Higher Ed: via AddThis - "Those majoring in engineering, computer science, accounting, agriculture sciences and agriculture business, and some science fields are expected to see the greatest number of opportunities."
4. Where the jobs (and money) will be, by Joanne Jacobs - - "Wages rise with education: Only 36 percent of jobs for workers with only a high school diploma pay $35,000 or more, compared to 54 percent of jobs for associate degree graduates and 69 percent of jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree."
5. At Penn State, a Bitter Reckoning, by MICHAEL BÉRUBÉ - - "The public image of Penn State is now that of students rioting on behalf of a disgraced football coach. But there are also 6,000 full-time teachers and researchers working here — and none of us had anything to do with this mess. Like the vast majority of our 45,000 students, we did not riot. We are every bit as disgusted and horrified as you are. This is our place that has been trashed, and we care deeply about cleaning it up."
6. Engineering Majors Hit the Books More Than Business Majors Do, Survey Finds, by Sara Lipka - "Engineering majors spend the most time studying, 19 hours a week, but even among those who exceed 20 hours, nearly a quarter still often show up for class without assignments completed, the report says. Business majors study the least, 14 hours a week, along with social-science majors, whose professors' expectations, at 18 hours a week, are furthest from reality."
7. Study: College students rarely use librarians' expertiseby Steve Kolowich – via USATODAY - "This is one of the sobering truths these librarians, representing a group of Illinois universities, have learned over the course of a two-year, five-campus ethnographic study examining how students view and use their campus libraries: students rarely ask librarians for help, even when they need it."
8. Below The Line: Portraits of American Poverty, by Feifei Sun - LightBox via TIME - "Eric, 3, lives with two siblings, their mother and grandparents in a trailer park for migrant farm workers in Firebaugh, Calif. His grandmother regularly walks two miles with him to pick up free food from the local community center to supplement the family’s $350/week income."
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